Saturday, September 3, 2011


I feel like school teaches you a lot about perspective growing up, but you don't really grasp it completely until you're older (or maybe it's just me having a blonde moment).  I remember learning about perspective and point of view in English classes - 1st person, 3rd person, etc.  Depending on the POV, the entire story can take on a new light.  And then we also took perspective into account in my high school art classes, drawing objects from different angles, knowing how things would look from various view points, etc.  So why is it just recently that I've realized how important perspective is in your own life?

It was tonight, as my roommate, our friend "K", and I were analyzing what I'll call the "XYZ Situation" for now (I'll explain in a later blog, pinky promise) that I realized perspective is SO important.  It changes EVERYTHING!!!!  The way you see people, places, events.  It all plays out different depending on your perspective, and the "spin type".  Positive spin, negative spin, neutral spin (the hardest to accomplish, no doubt.  Let's face it, we're all usually biased one way or the other).

EXAMPLE?  I'd love to.
TOPIC: Hair Dryers.  (Thank you, LR for the topic.)
PERSPECTIVE: 1st person (my POV), SPIN TYPE: Negative.

Hair dryers are noisy machines that hurt when you drop them on your foot.  They make my hair frizzy and afro-like, and take for-ev-er to dry my hair.  They are hot, can suck your hair in without notice causing excruciating pain, and are potentially life threatening when you try to save them from drowning in any body of water.  Overall, hair dryers suck at life.

Now, let's change the spin type to Positive.

Hair dryers are compact machines that always leave my sodden hair dry and fresh.  They are magnificent  inventions, reducing the drying time of my hair from 24 hours to 24 minutes, and they even come in all different colors!!  They can dry my hair in different temperatures, including HOT, WARM, AND COOL!  In conclusion, hair dryers rock my world!

See there?
Now go look at things through a different perspective, consider how you are being seen in someone else's point of view, and put a positive spin on your day.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go perspectify a curling iron.

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